Ordered fish hotpot, pan fried oysters, and fried shrimps. We decided to order seafood due to the restaurant name. However disappointingly, the seafood served to us was not fresh. The fish hotpot was a good size with tofu and bakchoy. Cheap fish but reasonable for the price. MSG was obvious in the taste though. The fried oysters and shrimps were not crispy at all. We went late, at around 8pm. A couple of tables left shortly after, leaving us alone. I thought the staff were waiting for us to finish so they can close, only to find out on the door post afterwards that they don't close until 2am. We went for dessert at a nearby restaurant after the meal and this place was still open but completely empty at 10pm. Won't be back.
餐厅是广式茶餐厅的形式, 装修一般. 幸好桌椅摆放得不紧密, 坐起来还比较舒服.
今次与家人一起来, 原本是冲着它的双龙虾套餐来的,谁知来到后却没有了.
我们点了-个青椒炒大肠, 是$4.99的午餐特价小炒.
正价的姜怱炒龙虾(1.5磅, 14.99/lb)及广东炒面.
点菜的时侯, 不知道点了4.99的牛餐特价小炒就没有水煮魚或酸菜鱼送了,
因为正价的姜怱炒龙虾(1.5磅, 14.99/lb)及广东炒面加起来都超过$30元了.
最后老板娘同意送鱼. 因为水煮魚是辣的, 我们选了酸菜鱼.
$4.99的青椒炒大肠份量不少, 味道还可以.
炒龙虾中规中矩, 广东炒面菜太少,
我是第一次吃, 觉得酸菜比鱼更好吃.
下次-定要叫店家给多-些酸菜! 不足的是咸了-点.