We didn't get to take full advantage of the voucher as it assumes a double-feature hotpot per person. Instead, we got a double-feature to share between the 2 of us. The voucher also includes a jug of drink each, but I would hate having to pay for all these extras with the normal buffet price. Certain sauce were also extra charge too, which was included in the voucher but we didn't take advantage of either.
In any case, compared to other hotpot places, I find this restaurant offers more varieties on meatballs, tofu products, and vegetables. The food all come in good portion size. We were also offered a mix dish of fried products without asking, which was a nice touch during our wait for the hotpot to boil. The servers were frequent in adding tea and soup for us, and always available when we want to order more food. The food arrived in a reasonable speed as well. The manager claimed that all the soup base are made from scratch without MSG, but we were still thirsty throughout the night.
Overall, I enjoy this place and may come back. There are other hotpot restaurants around there offering similar food and buffet price, but with drinks included though; and I'd prefer those better.