团购卷上说明<大碗牛肉粉一份(13种任选)>,服务员却不让选择。 粉裏的牛肉还可以,面条却不是越南粉。 汤很重味精。 猪扒饭肉不新鲜。 冰咖啡是越式。 冻奶茶也合口味。 没什么特别,应该不会再来了。
他家的牛肉粉汤的确清淡,但是喝了后不口干。分量也足,出乎我的意料。 买了团购券去的,越南咖啡糖和奶都事先放好的,对我而言有点太甜,
粉份量蛮大,但汤味太清淡, 实在淡而无味。服务态度还好,会主动问客人意见, 这在华裔餐馆不多见。 越式春卷不够新鲜。
Finally got to try their coffee, along with another bowl of pho. I had the coffee served cold. It's OK, I didn't think it's all that special. The staff was kind of nice though, served my food with a smile and asked if everything is satisfactory.